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Blessing of the Beard and Dew

Weekly Recap Vid of Below the Bible Belt

What can unity look like? Here’s a surprising set of images.

We enter the Day of Atonement this evening, as we climb from the 14th to the 15th step with the Psalms of Ascent, and while this war continues to ravage lives and hopes everywhere. What is the blessing that these psalms have to offer us today? 

The blessing of the beard, and the blessing of the dew. That’s what unity can look like.

Psalm 133 is famous for its first line - all about unity, how good it is when siblings come together.

How good is it? Here come two surprising images: 

One is the beard of the first high priest, Aaron, glistening with olive oil, anointed with care, just the right amount. 

The next image is the dew that glistens on the top of Mount Hermon, from there dripping down all the way to the Jordan river and quenching our thirst, for life, as blessing, forever. 

כַּשֶּׁ֤מֶן הַטּ֨וֹב ׀ עַל־הָרֹ֗אשׁ יֹרֵ֗ד עַֽל־הַזָּקָ֥ן זְקַֽן־אַהֲרֹ֑ן שֶׁ֝יֹּרֵ֗ד עַל־פִּ֥י מִדּוֹתָֽיו׃

כְּטַל־חֶרְמ֗וֹן שֶׁיֹּרֵד֮ עַל־הַרְרֵ֢י צִ֫יּ֥וֹן כִּ֤י שָׁ֨ם ׀ צִוָּ֣ה יְ֭הֹוָה אֶת־הַבְּרָכָ֑ה חַ֝יִּ֗ים עַד־הָעוֹלָֽם׃ 

It is like fine oil on the head

running down onto the beard,

the beard of Aaron,

that comes down over the collar of his robe;

like the dew of Hermon

that falls upon the mountains of Zion.

There God ordained blessing,

everlasting life.

Ps. 133:2

What do the beard and dew have to tell each other, and us? 

How is this psalm connected to the Day of Atonement and to our deepest prayers for peaceful and much better days? 

It has to do with the ancient formula: As below so above, as above so below.  It’s a mystical metaphor for more subtle realities.

Watch the rest of this week’s recap vid to learn the rest. 

May this day of atonement be meaningful and inspiring, above and below, deeper and higher, for all who walk into it with an open heart and intentions. May we forgive ourselves and each other and commit to better days ahead. 

Thank you for joining me below the bible belt. 

Gmar Chatima Tova.

Shana Tova.

Shabbat Shalom. May Peace Prevail.

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