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Our Words Build Worlds: Let There be Peace

Weekly Video Review of Below the Bible Belt

This terrible day, mid war, a week into the collective unimaginable Shiva vigil of the Jewish people in Israel and everywhere, amid the ongoing horrific suffering of Palestinians in Gaza and everywhere, we pause, horrified, to remember:

The pen is mightier than the swords. Words build worlds. We believe in paths to peace and reconciliation, hope and healing, rooted in our shared human faith in love, in faith, and in each other’s humanity. Radicals have always shifted public opinion towards violence and prophets always stood up to them in defiance. That is our role today - to listen to the prophetic voice that speaks love not hate, that builds worlds of equity and equality, justice and joy, freedom and dignity - for all.

Jeremiah was a lonely prophet and this past week we read the chapters of his failure: He tried to warn and save Jerusalem from its arrogance and nationalist zeal and failed. The city fell after a long siege, its king blinded, the people killed or enslaved. This tragic chapter is remembered in our bodies each year as we fast on the Ninth of Av. But Jeremiah survived to write the story that would become the Bible. A story of trauma in the national body - trauma with a lesson - the word is stronger than the sword. Words build worlds and ethics matter more than territory, love more than land, the book will outlive this or that border to always give us the words that will help us build safety, heal wounds, live our lives with dignity and in peace. Again and again we fast, to remember. We re-read this sacred story, from the beginning, as we will this Shabbat of Bereshit, the new cycle of Torah begins to remind us - let there be light. Our words can build worlds of kindness and courage, reconciliation and repair, healing and hope.

To our broken hearts on this friday, holy to our Muslim friends and families, into this sacred Shabbat of our Jewish family - let us share the vision of our prophets and divinity - towards a better future, let there be light, let there be healing, let there be peace.

Shabbat Shalom

PS. Please see this webpage created by our team at @labshul with constant updates, ways to help, resources. Israel at War UPDATES

Below the Bible Belt
Amichai Lau-Lavie (he/him)