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Secret of the 15 Songs of the Steps/Part 1

Weekly Vid Recap of Below the Bible Belt

What’s the secret of the 15 song of the steps that were sung once a year on the 15 marble steps of the Jerusalem Temple on the 15th night of the Full Moon in honor of Fall Harvest Festival?

Once upon a time the sacred symmetry of architecture and music, moon cycles and holy days was woven as a mystery rite of passage from one season into the next.

The ancient rain dance that our ancestors danced required the 15 steps that would become the 15 Psalms of Ascent.

So what’s all this about for our lives now, trying to make sense of the chaos, create order, seek peace, find balance and sing to the secrets of empowerment?

This week I share the first of two reflections on the history and mystery, myth and meaning of these steps, songs and surprises. We’ll continue next week - and next year - meeting on the holiday of Rosh HaShanna for part two of this story and what it has to do with the creation of the world.

Thank you for joining me below the bible belt.

Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova.

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