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The King Whose Name Means "Borrowed"

Weekly Overview of Below the Bible Belt

It takes 2 years on the throne, and just 5 chapters - for the first king of Israel to topple from superhero to villain. His name Shaul, Saul, means ‘borrowed’ - he’s living on borrowed time, emerging as a tragic figure, scorned by the prophet who crowned him and now turns against him. But why?

These chapters in Samuel expose the links and tensions, still Today, between religious and military viewpoints leaders, and the making of civic political reality complete with egos ideologies and blind spots. Rare is the Leader who can authentically and humbly carry both the crown of political leadership and the mantle of spiritual wisdom and truthtelling.

The Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr. whose epic legacy we lift up this weekend, was certainly one such impressive leader who paid with his life for the power of his truth.

Neither the prophet Samuel nor King Saul were able to hold both roles as well— and the tensions between them that comes to a pitch as we end this weeks reading of Samuel I, will lead us next week into escalating war, and the deeper analysis of the dance between the Crown and the Mantle, priest vs king , religion vs nation, mind -and soul. Saul and Samuel — coming up Saul’s wife and daughters, Jonathan, and — David. The drama thickens. Borrowed time.

Thank you for joining the journey below the Bible Belt.

Shabbat Shalom

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929 chapters, 42 months, daily reflections:

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Below the Bible Belt
Amichai Lau-Lavie (he/him)