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'Twas the Shabbat before Hanukkah

Weekly Overview of Below the Bible Belt

Christmas Trees, just like the Hanukkah Menorah, has its origins in the ancient Goddess worship: Both were once the Sacred Tree of Life and Light celebrated mid winter to honor the birth of light into hopeful springtime, and later evolving to be quite different symbols and even at war with each other. But despite our differences we have shared myths of life and hope, like babies born against all odds, minorities fighting and winning justice, freedom, dignity in all the ways we shine. Back in the Bible and below the Bible Belt - this past week in the Book of Judges - so many wars! But still - the people seem to live together and marry each other and worship each other’s gods, and even with conflicts that are real and fierce - find common ground. Sometimes.

Like, Samson, long hair superhero, the latest in the list of Israelite leaders who fight the neighbors for power and control. But like others before him and since, he too is deeply engaged with the people on the other side - he falls in love three times, always with foreign women, as he fights their brothers. What’s going on with the tensions between people, back then, right now as we push the limits of multi-cultural existence? Can we celebrate together the fire reason for season as instead of what divides us? Happy holidays!

Check out today’s new vid.

Shabbat Shalom.

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Below the Bible Belt:

929 chapters, 42 months, daily reflections:

Join R. Amichai’s 3+ years interactive online quest to question, queer + re-read between the lines of the entire Hebrew Bible, with daily reflections, weekly videos and monthly learning sessions.

Below the Bible Belt
Amichai Lau-Lavie (he/him)