
Watch: Secrets of the Psalm Most Popular

Monthly Zoom Conversation Below the Bible Belt, Exploring Psalm 23

We met on May 9 2024, for our monthly zoom conversation, to hold space for our grief and hopes, stand in solidarity with so much suffering, and to explore the messages and secrets of the most beloved - or dreaded - psalm, often used for funerals.

Why are the circles of justice hidden from most English translations? What aids us as we seek solace through dark times?

Watch this one hour moving conversation, and as a bonus, enjoy this poetic-animated version of the psalm written and created by Rabbi Ariel Root Wolpe and the talented BimBam crew:

Below the Bible Belt: 929 chapters, 42 months, daily reflections.

Become a free or paid subscriber and join Rabbi Amichai’s 3+ years interactive online quest to question, queer + re-read between the lines of the entire Hebrew Bible. Enjoy daily posts, weekly videos and monthly learning sessions. 2022-2025.