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Weekly Overview of Below the Bible Belt

D'varim Chapters 28-32

‘The wounded deer leaps highest’ wrote Emily Dickinson.

Sometimes’ it’s the stammer that becomes the song.

I know. In my early teens I was barely able to utter a word. My stammer, over time, was overcome, thorough slowing down and pausing on each syllable. Perhaps with more acceptance of my queer self in a rigid religious home? Chanting Torah helped me find my confidence and voice. With time I would become a storyteller, mostly stammer free.

Moses, the man whose career began by stammer, heavy mouth and difficulty speaking, who refused to be a man of words that will liberate a nation and deliver revelations — leaped over time to walk the talk and rise up to the role of super prophet, wounds and all.

In this week’s overview vid of Below the Bible Belt we say goodbye to Moses, and to the Torah he spoke, wrote, handed over. His final chapters are poetic blessings, an enteral covenant complete with heartbreaks, stammers and all. Next week we’ll read the last two chapters and move on to Joshua - a man of few words and a sword in hand.

Grateful today to honor all journeys, all wounds, and every word of wonder.

Check out today’s new vid.

Shabbat Shalom. From Jerusalem.

Every Friday, recap what this week’s written entries of Below the Bible Belt. follow on Instagram or subscribe to our Substack for daily posts.

Ready for Joshua?? On 10/25 we bury Moses, close the Torah, cross the Jordan River into Canaan along with Joshua, entering  ‘Prophets’ - the second section of the Hebrew Bible. The Book of Joshua is 24 chapters long and I invite you for a one-month journey of politics and myth, power and conquest, then and now. What’s at stake when land becomes a homeland?

On 10/24 1pm ET I will be joined by Dr. Rachel Havrelock, author of The Joshua Generation and Rabbi David Kline, to get ready for the Journey with Joshua.

Join us to get ready on this  free 60 min. Zoom conversation:

Below the Bible Belt:

929 chapters, 42 months, daily reflections:

Join R. Amichai’s 3+ years interactive online quest to question, queer + re-read between the lines of the entire Hebrew Bible, with daily reflections, weekly videos and monthly learning sessions.

Below the Bible Belt
Amichai Lau-Lavie (he/him)