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Weekly Overview of Below the Bible Belt

Ba'Midbar Chapters 24-27

Suspicion or Trust?

How do we approach the tales our parents told us? What to do with the often toxic patriarchal legacy that is Embedded in the Bible?

This past week Below the Bible Belt revealed some strange stories about the origin of hierarchy, male dominance and control as well as fabulous - fabricated? - stories about immortal musicians and the mystery of the moon.

Reading Torah at face value means we must appreciate this ancient text for what it is - man-made, perhaps divine inspired, not without its historical-political flaws that still contain the kernel of something bigger than us all. So do we turn to these text with what philosophers called ‘the hermeneutics of suspicion’ or with what other thinkers named “hermeneutics of trust” - or some kind of combination of both?

Our journey in the wilderness, including big questions, continues. The new moon coming up this Sunday leads us on into the month of Elul - the time of reflection, and return to the best we can be, including tough truths and deep healing.

Check out the new short vid.

Shabbat Shalom.

Every Friday, recap what this week’s written entries of Below the Bible Belt. Be sure to follow on Instagram and subscribe to our Substack to stay up-to-date as we embark on this journey together.

Below the Bible Belt:

929 chapters, 42 months, daily reflections:

Join R. Amichai’s 3+ years interactive online quest to question, queer + re-read between the lines of the entire Hebrew Bible, with daily reflections, weekly videos and monthly learning sessions.

Below the Bible Belt
Amichai Lau-Lavie (he/him)