What if the promised land does not exist on any map. It’s not a place, its’ not a home or homeland. It is a constant destination.
“I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land”
Dr King knew the promised land is the future justice.
What is your promised land?
This week below the Bible Belt we wrapped up Joshua, a bloody book of conquest, an attempts to win the promised land with war. It doesn’t work. the locals resist, insist, survive, somehow they all have to learn to live together, different people with conflicting promises sharing one land.
Can we?
Stories evolve. Promises adjust Like us. Like borders.
Inside us are the promised lands. We have to learn to share them.
these sacred stories that stink of supremacy road maps not as sacred gospel but as guideposts, goal posts, warning signs, tips for sharing promises and lands with each other, way less war a lot more trust?
Next week - we start the Book of Judges. The Journey continues.
Welcome to your promised land.
Shabbat Shalom
Check out today’s new vid.
Shabbat Shalom.
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Below the Bible Belt:
929 chapters, 42 months, daily reflections:
Join R. Amichai’s 3+ years interactive online quest to question, queer + re-read between the lines of the entire Hebrew Bible, with daily reflections, weekly videos and monthly learning sessions.
#Joshua #theprophets #JoshuaBenNun #promisedland #conquest #Joshua23 #MLK #colonialism #RevDrMLKJr #blacklivesmatter #justice #webelongtogether #canaanites #whowrotethebible? #conquestofcanaan #Israel # #hebrewmyth #929 #torah #bible #hiddenbible #sefaria #labshul #hebrewmythlogy #belowthebiblebelt #postpatriarchy #bibleandpolitics #war #biblicalarcheology #thanksgiving #promisedlandswithin
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