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Wisdom from the Tree of Life: Weekly Review of Below the Bible Belt

Ba'Midbar Chapter 34 - D'varim Chapter 6

Wisdom from the Tree of Life: Weekly Review of Below the Bible Belt.

Do you believe what you see? What you hear? What’s on the news? What our inner intuition/gut feeling is telling us? Of course for many of us there are challenges with sight or sound or other senses — how does one make sense of the world?

Who, what, and how do humans work out the muscle of meaning making in a world with so many options? Major life choices are dictated by what media outlet you are tuning into - and it’s the same with the Torah. For generations, many took the book at its word, divine, dictated by the highest authority, binding.

But many of us are now questioning the agenda and baggage, critically questioning what in this book no longer serves our values, and how to read between the lines, challenge the patriarchal assumptions and find meaning in the metaphors, adapted to who and what we are. And still - how do we choose to believe any of this has any merit at all?

Shhh. This week’s words tell us. Close your eyes. The tree of life grows within you, and in between the fragments and the tensions trust that there is wisdom, growing, always, just for you. Let’s hug some trees together, shall we? At least in our mind..

Check out the new short vid.

Shabbat Shalom.

Every Friday, recap what this week’s written entries of Below the Bible Belt. Be sure to follow on Instagram and subscribe to our Substack to stay up-to-date as we embark on this journey together.

Can We Talk? Want to learn more, discuss your thoughts and feelings about the Book of Words and Below the Bible Belt? Join me this week - on Thursday September 22 2022, 1pm ET - for a one hour conversation on Zoom.

Zoom Meeting:

Below the Bible Belt:

929 chapters, 42 months, daily reflections:

Join R. Amichai’s 3+ years interactive online quest to question, queer + re-read between the lines of the entire Hebrew Bible, with daily reflections, weekly videos and monthly learning sessions.

Below the Bible Belt
Amichai Lau-Lavie (he/him)