929 chapters, 42 months, daily reflections:
Join Rabbi Amichai’s 3+ years interactive online quest to question, queer + re-read between the lines of the entire Hebrew Bible, with daily reflections, weekly videos and monthly learning sessions. How can a closer and critical reading of this cornerstone of our culture help us rethink our values and live more honest, happy, healthy lives?
Daily reflections are posted for free Sunday-Thursday. Comments are welcome.
Paid subscribers also have access to a short video posted each Friday + a monthly study session and conversation led by Rabbi Amichai on zoom
Comments, questions and feedback - always welcome and very much appreciated.
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You can still receive the daily post for free, but if you choose to be a paid subscriber at $18 a month, $180 for a year, or $250 as a founding subscriber — you’ll also receive access to the full weekly video and an invitation to our monthly zoom conversation.
Your generous support will enable me to devote more time to this project + hire a much needed intern/research assistant ( This labor of love is pretty much a part time job at this point..!)
If you have any issue with the fee, no worries, we’ll be happy to make it work so that you too can enjoy the full features of Below the Bible Belt. Just email us at hello@labshul.org.
Subscribe to Below the Bible Belt
Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie is the Founding Spiritual Leader of Lab/Shul NYC and the creator of Storahtelling, Inc. He's re-reading and queering the Hebrew Bible over 3+years, a chapter a day. January 2022-July 2025