What gorgeous hashtags, both #Makingloveoutofnothingatall and #MakingLifeoutofNothingatAll - I'm adopting them as mottos for living in these times of big uncertainty & not-knowing.
And how interesting to consider the links between this mystical perspective - “God’s contraction (tzimtzum) created a void within the infinite light—a place where creation could emerge. This void was not empty, but concealed within it was the potential for all existence.” - and modern physics.
Synchronistically, yesterday I heard a podcast conversation between two physicists, and they described just this phenomenon of Something from Nothing (and the vital nature of Story!), on a vast scale:
Anthony Aguirre, PhD: “…You take this amount of dark energy and you let it expand, which it wants to do, and in doing so, it makes more of itself…And maybe we should get to talking a little bit about the early universe, because this is one of the coolest stories ever, I think, is how all of this stuff that we see can, in principle, without violating anything, come from almost nothing…where you can start with just a tiny little bit of this vacuum energy, and that vacuum energy wants to make more of itself…When you say we're so sure that nothing can come out of nothing, or that you can't have a whole bunch of stuff coming out of nothing, and yet physics just tells you exactly how you can do exactly that, that's a great thing to learn.”
What gorgeous hashtags, both #Makingloveoutofnothingatall and #MakingLifeoutofNothingatAll - I'm adopting them as mottos for living in these times of big uncertainty & not-knowing.
And how interesting to consider the links between this mystical perspective - “God’s contraction (tzimtzum) created a void within the infinite light—a place where creation could emerge. This void was not empty, but concealed within it was the potential for all existence.” - and modern physics.
Synchronistically, yesterday I heard a podcast conversation between two physicists, and they described just this phenomenon of Something from Nothing (and the vital nature of Story!), on a vast scale:
Anthony Aguirre, PhD: “…You take this amount of dark energy and you let it expand, which it wants to do, and in doing so, it makes more of itself…And maybe we should get to talking a little bit about the early universe, because this is one of the coolest stories ever, I think, is how all of this stuff that we see can, in principle, without violating anything, come from almost nothing…where you can start with just a tiny little bit of this vacuum energy, and that vacuum energy wants to make more of itself…When you say we're so sure that nothing can come out of nothing, or that you can't have a whole bunch of stuff coming out of nothing, and yet physics just tells you exactly how you can do exactly that, that's a great thing to learn.”