I'm really curious about the idea that paganism offers more coexistance and doesn't claim to be the only truth the way monotheism does. And yet I've grown up being taught that monotheism created the idea of universal morality and the value of every human being as created in G-d's image.
We're so identified with this story as Jews. And I'm very curious about the tribes who were erased and who's stories were covered up. We're so used to the story that they worshipped idols and that was a sin, but there must be more to it than that. What did they believe and how did they see themselves. I'm very interested in this. Dyou have any recommendations for where to learn more about the northern tribes of Israel?
I'm really curious about the idea that paganism offers more coexistance and doesn't claim to be the only truth the way monotheism does. And yet I've grown up being taught that monotheism created the idea of universal morality and the value of every human being as created in G-d's image.
We're so identified with this story as Jews. And I'm very curious about the tribes who were erased and who's stories were covered up. We're so used to the story that they worshipped idols and that was a sin, but there must be more to it than that. What did they believe and how did they see themselves. I'm very interested in this. Dyou have any recommendations for where to learn more about the northern tribes of Israel?
There's a lot we were not taught about this important chapter in our histories.
this is one helpful book: https://www.amazon.com/Forgotten-Kingdom-Archaeology-Northern-Monographs/dp/1589839102