Oh, man (sorry), that is good. The verse and your framing of it. Thank you much. To speak of trees and roots: In 2016, the instant after Trump was declared president, my daughter called from college across the country and asked, “Dad, are we going to be okay?” And I knew just as immediately my responsibility was to *not* express my fear and shock, or blithely reassure her, but give her a deep and genuine sense of security. I did the best I could and it was one of my best moments of fatherhood. This week, even before the worst had happened, she called from just a few miles away to ask it again, albeit indirectly and with eight more years of worldly sophistication (and more awareness of the implications). Even feeling considerably less secure myself, I dug down and did my best to say again, in effect, “I have been with you from the beginning and I will be with you till the end of time.” I think it helped.

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Love this

Tara also spoke about trees this week

Love your wisdom

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Shabbat Shalom, looking for my tree to get some solace..., but there is a forrest in the way

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