Wonderful commentary.

Yasher koach to your mother! Where can we find her book? (I couldn’t find it online.)

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"I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day: I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life—if you and your offspring would live—"

I think this is my absolute favorite verse in the Torah. Choose life. Choose joy and community, choose to care about each other, choose compassion, choose to continue on this path of life, choose love. Not because someone tells you to, not because someone gave it to you. It's not a secret, it not unattainable. You are not mandated to. You can choose. To me, this is the part that explodes in my heart.

I absolutely love your post today.

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You opened my heart with your response.

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Hurray for your mother, אשת חיל

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