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...but was it just "any" protest? This chapter was SO juicy that, heart racing, I had to skip ahead a few verses into the following chapter. And I offer this... previous protests started from the fringes. They had to do with physical needs, meat specifically. Or, born of fear, missing home, missing the familiar, afraid of the new. (Disenfranchised?) people not implicitly trusting leadership to take care of them, understandable given that leadership often forgets the fringes. Other protests were more like being "malcontent..." Or, resentment at not being part of the leadership team, not getting that promotion.

But THIS protest, started by a Kohathite--the inner circle, the elite--was much more calculated, specifically enlisting chieftains, this seemed more like a power grab. An insurrection. And what if they had won? Would the riffraff be taken care of? Or were these men trying to grab (more) power for for power's sake? How do we, humanity I mean, differentiate between listening to and addressing protests for justice, equal treatment, vegetables in "food deserts," climate change, and those people who just want power?

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